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Natalie MacNeil

Updated: Nov 12, 2021

Founder of She Takes On The World Inc.

Episode 64: Business Growth and Personal Growth go Hand in Hand

The Inner Circle Episode 63


Building a million-dollar business is a huge accomplishment for Natalie MacNeil, but it doesn’t even come close to stopping there for this Emmy Award Winning media entrepreneur. Natalie is devoted to expanding human potential for herself and others, and dedicated to living a deeply meaningful life. She joins The Inner Circle to talk with Carrie about her powerful N.E.T. technique and why you will want to start using it immediately in everyday life. Natalie also talks about her film projects, the inspiration behind her new book ​The Rituals, ​and what’s next for her as she transitions from the She Takes on the World blog to a new updated version of herself and her brand.

What You’ll Hear In This Episode:

● Natalie spent so much time feeling like she had to be someone in order to succeed, and she is at a point where she wants to live and embrace all her dimensions.

● There will never be a better lesson about business than jumping in and learning for yourself. While Natalie studied business in University, she got a firsthand education by being an entrepreneur.

● Natalie shows us that we shouldn’t be afraid to dive in and embrace new parts of our identity, and maybe let go of those that no longer serve us. She is taking the big leap of rebranding her blog, She Takes on the World, to level up to meet the current version of herself.

● Natalie co-produced the interactive film experience, ​Out My Window​, and it was the world’s first 360 interactive documentary. The film won an Emmy, and viewers got an inside look at someone’s life in an initiative and immersive way.

● Natalie knows that her capacity to succeed in the external world is directly related to her inner experience.

● The N.E.T. (No Extra Time) principle calls for utilizing our time in a way that best serves us. While we have things we all do in a day, you can make that part of your mindfulness practice. Examples would include a grounding exercise in the shower, taking a few calming deep breaths and at red lights, and using the little spaces of silence throughout the day to practice gratitude.

● She Takes on the World has had 1,000,000 + entrepreneurs from almost every country come to the site for inspiration, action steps, and support.

● Natalie discusses accomplishing our goals one at a time as a 3-4 month focus, rather than trying to do everything at once.

● When we choose to hear the stories of others, we get a huge part of what is available to us in the human experience.

● Natalie’s new book, ​The Rituals, ​includes many beautiful practices that make huge differences.


● “When a creative wave comes, you have to ride it until the bitter end.”

● “The human experience is messy, beautiful, and wild and painful. We can hold all of those truths.”

● “I need to feel deeply held and grounded in order to show up the way I show up.”

● “You are enough and more, and worthy of your dreams.”

● “Inspiration without taking action serves a purpose, but it’s not as powerful.”


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