Author Of The Teens' Growth Mindset Workbook,
Lecturer, MBA Leadership Professor
Episode 171: Pursuing a Growth Mindset with Our Teens with Ellen Weber

Dr. Ellen Weber – is both an American and Canadian citizen, recognized globally for brain-compatible leading, learning and assessment renewal based on activating people’s hidden and unused mental and emotional capabilities. Lecturer, MBA Leadership professor, TV and radio guest, author of several books by major publishers, 100s of peer reviewed articles, leader and participant in several international renewal projects, award winning blog and ranked highly influential on social media elite list in Rochester, NY.
Ellen developed and enhanced the award-winning Mita brain based approach to learning and leading through her international collaborative work with faculty and business leaders in the High Arctic, Ireland, Canada, China, Caribbean, U.S., UK, Chile and Mexico. Her student ready brain-based tasks, games, lessons, units and tests are still being used internationally with leaders and learners who pursue a growth mindset.
Mita’s leadership approach facilitates proven brain based growth strategies to raise motivation and achievement for innovative growth. Leaders and learners use parts of the brain never before used, to achieve innovation never before achieved.
Mita clients include business, government and university leaders who see innovation as the way of the future, and is collaborated at all levels to model the power of collective brainpower for sustainable learning and leadership renewal.
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