President & CEO of Look Good, Feel Better (LGFB)
Episode 128: Look Good, Feel Better: Dee Diaz Helping Female Cancer Patients through a Difficult Journey

Dee Diaz leads Look Good Feel Better (LGFB)- Canada’s only charitable organization dedicated to the appearance related impact of cancer and its treatment for women and teens. Mobilizing supportive health care for women so they can feel more like themselves, is a personal passion and commitment for Dee. Having had cancer impact half of the women in her immediate family means she knows firsthand the value of empowering women with optimism and confidence- which research has shown can lead to better health outcomes.
Having joined LGFB in 2015, Dee brings over 20 years of transformational community and corporate philanthropic engagement to deliver health programming and advocacy efforts. Through innovative marketing and fundraising partnerships, she has been successful in creating impact, opportunity and well-being for women and children- in Canada and around the world.
Prior to LGFB, Dee led strategy and teams at SickKids Foundation, UNICEF Canada and War Child Canada. Having studied community health, she began her career at SickKids Hospital and worked within the health promotion program for several years before transitioning to a career in fundraising. Dee is also passionate about building capacity to drive organizational effectiveness and agility- coupled with developing a culture that thrives on curiosity, collaboration, and inspired authenticity. Dee is proud to contribute to the ‘Social Profit Sector’ by building healthy and thriving communities, while achieving a sense of work joy driven by deep purpose.
Dee's story, her words of encouragement and wisdom, and kindhearted nature make this episode a must-listen for those affected by or who love someone who has been diagnosed with cancer.
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